
Why Steroids Are Not Always Healthy for Your Health?

Anabolic steroids have been much anticipated as significantly powerful in enhancing physical performance, muscle mass development, and overall athletic abilities. Even though they can offer short-term benefits, the long-term consequences usually affect a person’s health. Let’s discuss why anabolic steroids are not always healthy and outline possible physical, mental, and social impacts.

1. Understanding Steroids

Steroids are artificial molecules possessing effects similar to some naturally occurring hormones of the body. There are two major categories of steroids: anabolic-androgenic steroids and corticosteroids. Although corticosteroids are usually recommended to decrease inflammation and treat medical disorders, anabolic steroids are also commonly abused for purposes of bodybuilding and performance.

Anabolic steroids are drugs that increase the testosterone levels in the body and thus enhance muscle growth and the development of male characteristics. Despite some medical uses, anabolic steroids are illicitly used among athletes, bodybuilders, and other individuals who wish to improve their physical appearance.

2. Short-term Benefits and Quick Side Effects

One of the attractions of anabolic steroids is that they rapidly increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance – exactly what athletes and bodybuilders are looking for. However, these immediate side effects tamper with the user’s health.

Some of the immediate side effects of steroid use include –

  • Acne: Steroid use can often increase the production of oil in the skin, causing severe acne on the face, back, and shoulders.
  • Mood Swings: Steroids influence brain chemistry and may lead to changes in mood, aggressiveness, or irritability, which are commonly referred to as “roid rage.”
  • Fluid Retention: Steroids may cause the body to retain fluid, leading to bloating and swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Gynecomastia: Anabolic steroids bring about the development of breast tissue in males, a condition known as gynecomastia, due to hormone imbalance.
    Though these immediate side effects are alarming, they are but the tip of the iceberg. The long-term consequences of steroid use can be far more damaging.

3. Long-term Health Risks

Long-term anabolic steroid use may cause a wide range of health issues, some of which can be permanent.

Among the most common long-term health risks associated with anabolic steroid use are –

  • Cardiovascular Disease: Steroid use is associated with an increase in cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke. The elevation of blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and other factors lead to the formation of blood clots that is associated with the risks of heart disease.
  • Liver Damage: Prolonged use of oral anabolic steroids may elicit liver damage that includes liver tumors and a condition called peliosis hepatis, in which blood-filled cysts develop on the liver. These conditions are generally life-threatening and can require medical action.
  • Kidney injury: Steroid use damages the kidneys by increasing the formation of kidney stones and causing other kidney-related issues. Prolonged steroid usage may ultimately lead to renal failure, a situation where the kidneys cannot effectively filter out waste from the blood.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Steroids have the potential to disrupt the hormonal balance that is naturally produced in the body, leading to issues such as infertility, reduced sex drive, and testicular atrophy among men. In women, the use of steroids leads to menstrual irregularities, voice deepening, and facial hair growth.
  • Psychological Effects: Steroid use in the long term has been associated with depression, anxiety, and aggression. As a consequence, some subjects might develop a dependence on steroids that leads to addiction and abstinence syndrome if the subject tries to quit.

4. Mental Health

The psychological effects of steroid use are typically not recognized, but they can be as dangerous as physical health hazards.

The psychological effects include:

  • Aggression and Violence: Steroid users have been reported to be more aggressive and to have more occurrences of violent acts, popularly referred to as “roid rage”. This could lead to disturbances in personal life with or without any legal issues.
  • Depression and Anxiety: To some extent, the euphoria that users have while under the influence of the drugs is combined with feelings of depression and anxiety when they stop using the drugs. This has been shown to drive addiction, where one continues to turn to steroids in an attempt to relieve such feelings.
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Steroid use can worsen body dysmorphic disorder, in which an individual tends to have an obsessively distorted perception of body image. This may result in obsessive behavior toward excessive exercise and continued use of steroids without any regard for poor health effects.
  • Cognitive Decline: Long-term use of steroids causes cognitive decline, which includes memory, attention, and decision-making skills. It thereby affects one’s effectiveness in functioning daily with a great quality of life.

5. Social and Legal Consequences

The social and legal consequences of steroid use can be burdensome. In fact, in many countries, anabolic steroids are scheduled as controlled substances, making their possession, use, and distribution illegal without relevant prescription. This may lead to the imposition of fines, incarceration, and criminal records.

The social results of steroid abuse are –

  • Stigma: Steroid use can produce feelings of shame and discrimination, particularly in an individual who has noticeable physical or behavioral changes, which can eventually lead to social isolation and relationship disturbance.
  • Career Impact: Athletes who are caught using steroids risk losing all professional qualifications, and sponsors, and suffering a damaged reputation. This may in the long run negatively impact their career and financial stability.
  • Dependence and Addiction: Steroid dependence is both a psychological and physical craving disorder. It is a severe form of addiction and is highly able to interfere with a person’s life in terms of relationships, work, and general well-being.

6. Steroid Use in Adolescents

Adolescents are one of the groups vulnerable to steroid use. The use of steroids at such a time in an adolescent’s life could be detrimental to both the physical and psychological development of the child.

  • Stunted Growth: Steroid use can cause the premature closing of the growth plates in the bones, and a stunted growth rate equates to a shorter height in adulthood.
  • Delayed puberty: Steroid use can cause delayed pubescent development, which can affect the normal development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Emotional and Psychological Effects: The use of steroids in adolescents might result in some emotional and psychological problems such as mood swings, depression, and anxiety. These can cause lifelong resultant health effects on their general well-being and mental health.

7. Alternatives to Steroid Use

Keeping in mind that there are several risks in the use of steroids, one must consider other options to achieve physical fitness and muscle growth.

There are much safer alternatives, which include –

  • Natural Supplements: Various natural supplements are used to help improve muscle growth and athletic performance, without the harmful side effects of steroids. Some major supplements are protein powder, creatine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).
  • Proper Nutrition: Proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates should be properly balanced in the course of workout sessions focused on muscle gain and overall health. A nutritionist or dietitian can help prepare a diet chart to assist a person in meeting their fitness goals.
  • Strength Training: Consistency in strength training, coupled with the right amount of rest and recovery, will lead to an exponential increase in both muscle mass and strength. One should adhere to a well-designed exercise prescription that includes training of the large muscle groups.
  • Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest and recovery are equally important for muscle growth and optimum health. Overtraining may lead to injuries and burnout, hence the need to allow the body time to recover between workouts for full recovery.


Although there are some immediate advantages to muscle growth and performance, the long-term health risks that anabolic steroids represent completely outweigh the short-term benefits. Steroid use can have serious physical, mental, and social consequences, which may include cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney damage, hormonal imbalances, psychological effects, and legal issues.

Instead of using steroids, proper nutrition, natural supplements, and strength training can provide equal results. This way, one can achieve fitness goals that are heavily related to long-term health and well-being without relying on steroids that usually come with harmful side effects.

In conclusion, steroids are not always healthy for your health, and the potential risks associated with their use should not be overlooked. It is important to make informed decisions about your health and to seek out safer alternatives for achieving your fitness goals.

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