
Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles around the eyes are a real tension for a lot of people. It can affect the entire beauty of your face and hence should be considered a very serious issue. Even if there are medicines available for this, it is better to try the Home remedies first. They can help you get rid of this problem without any side effects. So, if you are also a person who is looking for the best home remedies to get rid of dark circles, we are here to help you with some of the most effective options for them.

Apart from the issues related to the side effects, people also opt for home remedies because of one more reason. It is the inexpensive usage of the items that are readily available in our homes that makes home remedies so attractive for most people.

Cucumber -To Remove Dark Circles Around Your Eyes: –

Cucumber is readily available in our homes. So, this method can be tried quite easily without any extra expense. Below is the complete process of how to use cucumber to get rid of dark circles.

  • Take a cucumber and cut it into thick slices.
  • Now chill it for about 30 minutes.
  • Once it is done, take one slice and keep it on the dark spot. This can be done without the help of anyone.
  • Let the slice on the spot for at least 10 minutes.
  • Now remove the slice and wash the area on which it was kept.
  • Repeat this process twice a day. You can find the result within a week.

Coconut Oil – Can Help You Get Rid of Dark Circles: –

Coconut oil is a home remedy for a lot of problems. It is found to be helpful for people suffering from the dark circles also. They can make use of the coconut oil and effectively get rid of those unwanted dark circles around the eyes. Here are the steps to use it.

  • Take some coconut oil and pat it on the portion around your eyes where the dark circle is spotted.
  • Massage the oil on the spot for a few minutes.
  • Let the oil remain there and go to your bed in the night.
  • Repeat this process for a few days and you will find that the dark circles have disappeared.

Green Tea Bags – Can Help Disappear the Dark Circles: –

At our homes, we always throw away the Green Tea Bags after use. But they can be a very good remedy for the dark circles. You can use it the way mentioned below to get rid of the dark circles around your eyes.

  • Take two green tea bags and dip it in water.
  • Refrigerate these bags for some time and keep it over the dark spots for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then remove the bags and wash the area at which it was kept.
  • Repeat this process for a few days and you can see a considerable change in that dark circles. Continue this until the spots are completely removed.

Potatoes- A Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles: –

Among the various options discussed here, this is the cheapest one. The raw potatoes are readily available in our homes and we can make use of them to remove the dark circle around the eyes. So, here is your easy way to get a more beautiful face.

  • Take a potato and cut it into small pieces.
  • Extract the juice from 2-3 small pieces and keep it in a small vessel.
  • Now take a cotton ball and dip it in the potato juice on the vessel.
  • Close your eyes and keep the cotton ball on the dark spot.
  • Repeat this process twice a day and you can find the extremely good results within the next two weeks.

Lemon Juice – Another Effective Home Remedy for Dark Circles: –

We all keep lemon at our house as it can be a multipurpose item for household requirements. You will be happy to know that this lemon can be a useful home remedy for dark spots. Follow the below steps to successfully try this option.

  • Take on lemon and cut it into 2 pieces.
  • Take each piece and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Collect this juice in a vessel.
  • Apply this juice on the black spot around your eyes. If a cotton ball is used, it can be more effective and easy to apply.
  • Now wait for 10-15 minutes and then wash it away. Repeat this process for two weeks. You can find that the dark circles around your eyes have completely vanished.

So, these are some of the most commonly used home remedies to get rid of dark circles. You can try any one of the processes mentioned above. If you find that it is not providing the expected result, then you can go ahead and try any second option discussed here.

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