
What Is LMGTFY and Why Should You Use It?

Did you ever come across the word LMGTFY? Well, I am quite sure that you might have come across this word, if you hadn’t heard about it then you wouldn’t be searching for it. The full form of “LMGTFY” is Let Me Google That For You. Confused, Right? The reason for using this is provided later in the post.

But before we head to that let me provide you with a bit of information about how LMGTFY works. The information has been provided down below and I would like to suggest that you check this part before skipping to the end of this post.

How Does This Work?

The working procedure of LMGTFY is rather quite easy. Well let me explain that with a simple example. Suppose that you uploaded an image of yourself in Auckland on Instagram! And the caption of the post reads “Chilling in Auckland!

A lot of people are going to comment and some of those would be like “Great Shot, Awesome.” But what would your reaction be when some comments “Where is Auckland?

So this is where LMGTFY comes in. So basically you just need to the LMGTFY site. Just Click Here to get redirected to there. Now copy the question and paste in search bar of the page and hit enter. Now the question would be converted into a link and you can just copy and paste it as the reply. But you know what would be better?

After the question gets converted into a link you can shorten it too and for that you need to click on “Shorten Link.”Now the link would be very small and you can just paste is as the reply of the question. The other person wouldn’t even have a clue of what would be about to happen. After they click on the link they would be redirected to another page which will basically show them how to do a Google search of that question.

And that’s it. This is how LMGTFY works. Well, now that this is clear let’s move on to the part where I tell you why should you use this.

Why To Use LMGTFY?

You see there are lots of people that we come across in our daily lives or we know. And among all of them there quite a few people who are dumb or are quite lazy to even do a Google Search. So this is actually a way to be sarcastic to them and about telling them that this question can be Googled.

But there is another thing that you need to keep in mind about the fact that some people may not take it as joke and you could end up ruining the relationship. Like suppose that your Uncle is on Instagram and he asks the question! I would suggest you not to send a LMGTFY reply to him. You could end up ruining your relation with him. Just make sure that you send it to savvy people.

And well that’s it. Now you might be thinking about it’s not possible to open a Browser and do that every time. Well, you can stop worrying about that as you can just get an iOS App of LMGTFY which would cost you around $0.99 and if you have a Android device then you can just download this free Appto send a LMGTFY reply.


To conclude this post I would just like to say that this should be used a kind of humor. So, just sit back and wait for stupid questions but also make sure that you are not upsetting anyone. Hope this was helpful.

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