


Affect Of INTERNET On Our Life

Internet is the global source of network of billions of computers and all other electronic devices. In this living era of information and technology, internet has become an informative part of our day-to-day life. By definition the internet is a world wide web, which is used by people to get data and also to transmit data from one place to other place around the world. The main origin of internet is from a military project, the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, where it is interconnected the country-wide radar systems together for the first time.

In 1958 it was constructed as a segment of endeavour to retrieve the lead in technology from the Soviet Union which had recently launched Sputnik. And later for this SAGE project J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head the committee that is controlling this project. Then Licklider appointed Lawrence Roberts to dome a project which were executing a network of internet. On October 29, 1969, Licklider for the first time connected the two nodes between UCLA and SRI International at Menlo Park California which was the beginning of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) which is one the world today’s internet is based on. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) network was firstly developed by Vint Cerf and Bob Khan in 1973. In 1974 the term internet was first used to narrate a single global TCP/IP network by CERF and his colleagues. And then in the year 1983, 1st January TCP/IP-wide range network has brought up a “network of networks” which came up as a today’s modern internet.

This modern network work for a decade till 1990s but then did not get much appreciable publicity. So then in 1991, 6th August the European Organization for Nuclear Research, publish the new World Wide Web (www) project which was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

Advantage And Disadvantages of Internet:

The word internet has both positive and negative affect on our life. Through the internet we can get information of the situation going all around the world by staying in one place. So, the internet has many uses in our day-to-day life. It is a wonderful place to search for a project or for a piece of homework. Now days it has being used in schools and colleges for online classes. Students are using this to get information and knowledge for their study purposes in every subject. It is a great platform for student’s education for learning through their lifetime.

Internet makes people updated for every situation. People are using internet for online shopping, research and development, business promotion and innovations. We can communicate with people living in different places of world through mail, social networking system by using internet. People can send money to their nearest people those who are living in different places by using internet.

By this, we can book flight tickets (both National and International), train tickets from home by itself only. By the help of online banking we can transfer account from one branch to other. We can pay bills for different purpose through online mode. People can search for jobs for different companies in India or in abroad through online. Internet is a great platform for entertainment like plays online games, watching movies, listening new songs, pranks and comedies. Lastly by all these activities through online we can save our time and money both.

On the other side using of internet also have disadvantages on our life too. Most of the people are spending their time in using internet that leads to obesity in young generation in the society. Children’s are wasting their time in using internet for different things which may result dangerous sometimes because there are many unethical sites which may vulnerable for them. Sometimes mails and text messages may hacked by someone which will break our privacy issues. Through this online business, virtual shops and credit cards usage, advertising sites one can easily become a victim of money frauders. The viruses are transported via internet which can destroy our important data and information for lifetime. If by somehow someone may get our personal IDs or email addresses then it becomes easier to harass in net event through online messages and emails.


So by the end we can say that there are many advantages and disadvantages of using internet but advantages are high in numbers. Internet simply makes our life easier but also side by side it may bring disadvantages too.           

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How much expense is expected for an international Trip?

International Trip

Planning to visit for a Vacation? and thinking for budget at the same time? Well that’s really a serious matter to think if you are planning specially for an international Trip. Today here in this article I am going to share you regarding the expenses to expect for an international Trip. 

If you are a regular traveler you’d know well that costing differs from place to place. Similarly, Costing for an international trip would cost different from one country to another. Planning for an Itinerary cost while travelling can save you from a huge cost while travelling on new places. Creating a budget for an international Trip can be a huge task if you are new traveler.

Here, I am going to List down some of the important points to note while planning for an International Trip, and by the end of the Article you will be surely able to understand the expected expenses for an International Trip.

Important Factors to remember while Planning for an International Trip:

Destination: Before Traveling destination is the main thing to Set before you leave for a kickoff. As costing differs from Place to Place, Some countries are expensive for Visiting, as some are not. It may be due to the living style of the Country or may be due to the exchange rate or due to the high local tourism demand.
Duration: Shorter duration will cost less, the same way Longer days may cost higher during accommodation, and other activities.
Transportation: Transport is one of the main factor while travelling. There may be options for travelling too, such as via Flight, Trains to reach the destination. Also you may have options for opting Luxury transport with better comfort. Transport also includes your car local rentals, buses, taxis etc.
Accommodation: Choosing a luxury rooms or Staying in a budget hotels or hostels or vacation rentals can impact a huge costing difference, while on a Trip. As you will be away from home and want the same homely vibes or live a proper serviced rooms with full vacation mode on, the costing will completely depend on what you choose.
Sightseeing and Activities: Planning for an International Trip and not adding sightseeing and activities expenses will be a bad decision. Small expenses matters a lot while travelling, Such as attraction spots entry fees, activities, guided tours and other additional cost is what you need to consider by including in your travel cost.
Food and Dinning: Cooking own meals or eating out restaurant will impact huge difference on your travel budget including street food, grocery shopping etc.
Shopping: Shopping can be additional expense for you. If you are having a good budget, shopping can be in your list without further thoughts. When you travel abroad, you might want to bring presents for yourself or for your love and dear ones which will eventually fall into this shopping budget.
Travel insurances or Visa: Some Countries might require Visa fees, and it differs from place to place. Travel insurances is good if you want safety for yourself while travelling or it may include trip cancellations etc.
Miscellaneous: Expect for the unexpected budget. This may sound ridiculous but this expense should be into your budget such as emergency medical issues, tips, and other unexpected expenses.

Calculating overall Expected budget for single person:

Transportation:- Approx (800-1000$ Round Fare), Local transports approx ( 200-300$ )
Accommodation:- Getting an average room 4/5 days will cost around (200-300$)
Fooding:- Depends on the budget dining or luxury Dinning (200-300$ on Budget Dinning)
Shopping: Additional and depends on your budget. But you can expect to spend around (300-500$) which can be a normal or you may skip.
Activities or sightseeing: Activities depends on you, but you may not be able to skip sightseeing part, which you can expect around (200-500$) apart from local transport and including activities (300-500$ round figure)
As a very Rough Estimate:
Budget Travelers: 1000$ to 3000$ for a week or two, excluding your flights.
Mid-Range Travelers:- 3000$ to 6000$ including your budget hotels and dining.
Luxury Travelers:– It may cost 6000$ and up, for a week or two including all your luxury accommodations, luxury dining and luxury experiences.

Spending money is completely upto your budget but while travelling in a new place you need to keep extra budget for yourself. Minimum for traveling international you must keep minimum 1000$-2000$ for yourself. This can be the lowest expected budget amount with a list of limited countries only. But it is always recommended to research specific destinations for more safety and also create a detailed budget with all the estimated expenses accurately.
Though it is always advised to plan and budget carefully, so that you can ensure an enjoyable and comfortable trip, within your financial budget.

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How to increase Sleep Quality for a Better Life?

Sleep is one of the most essential need to maintain our both mental and physical well being. To sustain a healthy lifestyle sleep is very important. Sleep allows our body to rest and recover, consolidate memories and also helps cognitive function and helps in regulating mood.
In today’s daily life schedule, Sleep is very important and to achieve a better sleep we also need to change our way style of living, by avoiding bad habits. We must Prioritize sleep like we prioritize food to stay healthy. Sleep is connected with our Physical health, mental health, heart health, energy, longevity, productivity and immune function. Even Studies suggest that adequate sleep is associated with a longer lifespan and overall better quality of life as you age in life.

Getting a quality sleep helps in restoring and repairing our body tissues and regulates hormones. Our brain functions more productive and enhance cognitive function, immune function and also prevents chronic conditions such as stroke or heart attack and diabetes. It also helps in maintaining our mood stable and plays a vital role in emotional regulation.
Today I am going to share some tips, which can help your sleep improve for a better life.

Tips to achieve better quality sleep:
Following these few tips may help you live a healthy life and quality sleep:-

Limit Naps: If you take a short power nap during day time, it should be not exceed more then 30 mins. As it can impact in your night sleep, you must avoid longer naps during the day. Limiting naps during day can be beneficial for you while maintaining quality and better night sleep.
Create a Relaxing Bedtime routine: Allow yourself to relax before bed by taking bath or by practicing relaxation exercise, reading books or performing some calming activities. Relaxing your mind is the only way to concentrate and focus on sleep.
Watch your Diet and Caffeine intake: Close to Bedtime, try avoiding caffeine, heavy meals or alcohol which will keep you uncomfortable throughout the night. Be mindful of what you eat and drink, You can opt for a light snacks if you’re hungry before bed time.
Staying Physically active: Practice regular exercise, this will improve your sleep as you will be engaged with exercise during day and let you fall asleep faster at night. It is always beneficial to exercise to maintain healthier and fulfilling better lifestyle. You can choose activities such as swimming, dancing, playing, walking, exercising or other sport.
Maintain Consistent Time: Make a habit of sleeping at same time everyday. Scheduling sleep at a single time regularly will make you a habit. Always go to bed and wake up on the same time regularly every day, even on the weekends. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock.

Sleep environment: Make sure you create a comfortable sleep environment by keeping room dark, quiet and cool. Also you can put an eye mask for concentrating on sleep and use blackout curtains to block external lights.
Manage Stress and Anxiety: It differs from person to person managing stress techniques. Some techniques to reduce stress and anxiety are mindfulness meditation, and relaxing sessions taking breath deep by closing eyes for long. Calm your mind before bed, Progressive muscle relaxation. But it is always recommended to experiment and find what works best for you.
Comfort Mattress and pillow: Ensure that your bedding, pillows and mattress are supportive and comfortable to your body. Try optimizing and replace the uncomfortable ones with the comfortable ones. Your body should feel comfortable with the bed and always wear loose breathable clothes to feel more relax and comfortable.
Limit Screen times: Try to limit your screen time before bed, as this can impact on your mind and eyes by reflecting due to the blue light emitted screens, such as mobile phones, tablets, or computers. Avoid screens an hour before sleep or use blue light filters on your screen.
Consult with a professional: There can also be sleep disorder, which is normal in most of the cases now a days. Due to the changing patterns of lifestyle it could effect on our sleep. In that case you must consult with a professional who can give you proper advice to get better quality sleep. Your healthcare is the most important thing you need to take care of, Some underlying disorders includes insomnia, sleep apnea etc. These are treatable if you maintain healthy lifestyle and focus on your mind and make it calm more often without taking stress.
These are the steps which you can follow and help yourself get a better quality sleep. These are not hectic to maintain, yet you can get better sleep. Your small steps can help you a lot Sleeping on time and waking on time each and every day will make your mood refresh and sleep can make you more productive in your daily lifestyle.

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10 Readymade Home Remedies for Diabetes Patients


Diabetes, in most simple terms, can be defined as a condition in which too much sugar accumulates in the blood of your body leading your pancreas to malfunction and stop producing insulin or else producing insulin in excess. Insulin is a hormone that controls the blood glucose of the human body.

Whether a person is suffering from diabetes can be found by a simple blood test. Blood tests can be conducted before and after meals to check the intensity of disease’s inroads in your blood. They can be conducted empty stomach or post any of the meals that you eat.

If a person suffers from this disease, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Only a trained doctor can prescribe the appropriate medicine for this condition.

It is also a patient’s responsibility to be alert about what they are eating and what they should be avoiding when they have the said disease. Apart from eating the doctor-prescribed medicines, a patient takes care of their daily routine and makes some alterations in their lifestyle to keep a check and maintain proper blood sugar levels.

In this article, we will read some of the home remedies that a patient can undertake to keep the diabetes in control. Let us first talk about the types of Diabetes and the symptoms of diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

Different Types of diabetes are:- Type 1, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes.

  • Type 1 is a condition in which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin or produce it in less amount.
  • Type 2 is a condition in which the way your body processes blood sugar is affected.
  • Prediabetes as the name suggests implies a condition in which there are increased levels of sugar in the blood, but not high enough to be called Type 2 diabetes.
  • Gestational Diabetes occurs mostly in pregnant women.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Some of the symptoms of diabetes may include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Frequent Weight loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger
  • Extreme fatigue
  • No healing of Scars easily

Extreme diabetic conditions can also lead to nerve and kidney damage and heart-related diseases.

Home Remedies for Diabetes

Let us talk about some simple home remedies, which along with medicines prescribed by your doctor, can help you control diabetes.

I want to start listing the remedies with a disclaimer:

A patient always needs to consult a doctor if they find out that they are suffering from the disease. And, they should take the prescribed medicines on time. Under no circumstances should a patient stop medication that has been prescribed by their doctor and just rely of these remedies.

  • Lifestyle Changes: The age-old technique for tackling any disease is making some modifications in the lifestyle and the way you conduct yourself in terms of discipline. Avoiding sitting for hours, taking regular walks after dinner, adopting healthy eating habits, etc., can prove to be boosters for reducing diabetes. Taking regular breaks from work if you are a sedentary worker and walking after every 40 minutes of sitting can be advantageous. Walk for 7,000 – 10,000 steps a day. It can solve many other health problems too. Keeping your weight ideal, blood pressure under control, cholesterol levels standard, etc., also come in handy when trying to fight this disease.
  • Exercising: Exercise should be a way of life. Exercising always helps balance your mental and physical well-being. A daily routine of a set of exercises should be adopted under the guidance of an instructor. Exercise can not only help reduce blood sugar levels but also improve overall fitness. Weight should be a total knockout when a patient is suffering from diabetes. Weight increases can create complications in the people having the disease. Thus, it is very important to remain fit as well as maintain an ideal weight when going through diabetic medications. Cycling, Jogging, Yoga, and swimming can prove to be useful too.
  • Managing Stress: Stress goes a long way in making diabetes disease a chronic threat. The patient should avoid stress and anxiety to maintain optimum levels of blood sugar and thus fight diabetes. The patient should deal with a difficult situation amicably and with zeal thus reducing stress. The normal ups and downs of life, in addition to having the disease, can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in patients with diabetes. In case of stress, the body produces some hormones which can prove to be disastrous for a body having diabetes. These hormones impair the proper functioning of the Insulin thus leading to a high risk of an increase in blood sugar. The patient of stress should be reassured repeatedly that the disease, in today’s times, is fully curable and can be treated with ease by trained doctors.
  • Sleep Balances: It is very important to maintain a sound sleep while you are suffering from diabetes. It is advisable to have a proper, healthy eight hours of sleep to keep diabetes under control. Lack of proper sleep can further degenerate the condition. Sleep disorders can lead to even more complex conditions of diabetes. It is found that blood sugar levels can surge when you sleep. In normal circumstances, Insulin can handle this increase. However, in diabetic patients, this can mount to trouble as insulin functioning is impaired to some extent. Thus, it is very important to maintain a proper sleep order and discipline and lead a healthy life. Sometimes, lack of sleep can lead to food cravings and unhealthy eating habits which again can lead to overweight and thus a surge in sugar levels.  
  • Drinking Plenty of Water: Water can prove to be useful for patients with diabetes. Drinking a lot of water helps the patients flush out waste and excess glucose regularly and keep their kidneys healthy. Always keep yourself hydrated. You can drink water along with tea, black tea, black coffee, etc. Additionally, have toned and double-toned milk and Buttermilk, Lemonade, etc. But avoid aerated drinks.
  • Eating Habits: A patient with diabetes should develop healthy eating habits to keep diabetes under check. The more you are food-aware of diabetes, the better you are equipped to fight it. Carbs form an important part of your daily dietary intake. You must maintain a decent level of carbs intake because carbs directly convert into blood sugar. Carbs when in excess in diabetic patients, cannot be processed properly and finely. Avoid foods that directly spike the blood sugar levels, such as processed sugar and refined flour.
    • Having foods such as salads, food rich in magnesium and chromium, including fruits and vegetables in the right amount in the diet, green tea after lunch and dinner, etc., are some of the healthy practices that the patient of diabetes should develop over time. Consuming a lot of fiber and whole grains can help better the condition. Black plum, apple cider, fenugreek, ginger, cinnamon, etc., can also prove beneficial if taken in the right quantities. 
    • Eat portion meals instead of eating too much at a time. Eat slowly, chew food more rigorously, use reduced plates, and spread out eating over 5-6 meals. 
  • Quitting Smoking and Drinking: Smoking can wreak havoc with your life if you are a patient with Diabetes. Smoking in any way is also not good for your health. If you are a smoker, the risk and complications can increase if you are suffering from diabetes of any type. Nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes can prove to be detrimental and hazardous and can increase the level of blood sugar. Smoking also makes it difficult to inject insulin into the body in people suffering from diabetes. Drinking alcohol is yet another show-stopper for a healthy body.
  • Maintaining Optimum Weight: Maintaining an optimum weight is crucial for reducing diabetes. Ask the doctor for your ideal weight and maintain that weight throughout; not only for reducing blood sugar levels but also for keeping healthy and avoiding other health-related problems. If you are overweight, there are chances that you have high cholesterol as well, which hampers the proper functioning of Insulin and thus causes stroke and heart attacks.
  • Eating Supplements and Probiotic Drinks: Apart from taking and eating healthy foods, a patient with Diabetes should regularly take minerals and vitamin supplements in consultation with the doctor. Taking several minerals helps digest the glucose faster and with ease. Trace minerals and chromium, in addition to taking Vitamin D, can help improve glucose absorption.
  • Seeing Your Physician Regularly: You should often consult your physician regularly especially when you feel that the symptoms are becoming grave and severe. Proper medication can help you in the overall management of your diabetes and physical and mental health. In times of doubt, do not hesitate to call your doctor and seek their advice.

Key Takeaways

Whether you are a patient of Diabetes or not, in today’s times it is very important to be cognizant of the fact that the routine lifestyle of people is causing more and more chronic problems. And Diabetes is one of them. Equally important is the realization that patients should maintain a balanced lifestyle to fight this disease.

With the medication simple home remedies will prove to be a boon for all the people suffering from the disease. A healthy, in-the-pink lifestyle, healthy eating and drinking habits avoiding alcohol and smoking, regularly going for walks, as well as including exercising in your daily routine and avoiding sleep disorders, etc., can prove to be valuable in the long run effectively.  

Follow simple remedies and be proactive about your physical as well as mental health and you can easily fight out and do away with this disease or at least keep a watch on it.

We wish you the very best in your fight against the disease! Hope you stay in the pink of health.  

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