Internet is the global source of network of billions of computers and all other electronic devices. In this living era of information and technology, internet has become an informative part of our day-to-day life. By definition the internet is a world wide web, which is used by people to get data and also to transmit data from one place to other place around the world. The main origin of internet is from a military project, the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, where it is interconnected the country-wide radar systems together for the first time.

In 1958 it was constructed as a segment of endeavour to retrieve the lead in technology from the Soviet Union which had recently launched Sputnik. And later for this SAGE project J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head the committee that is controlling this project. Then Licklider appointed Lawrence Roberts to dome a project which were executing a network of internet. On October 29, 1969, Licklider for the first time connected the two nodes between UCLA and SRI International at Menlo Park California which was the beginning of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) which is one the world today’s internet is based on. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) network was firstly developed by Vint Cerf and Bob Khan in 1973. In 1974 the term internet was first used to narrate a single global TCP/IP network by CERF and his colleagues. And then in the year 1983, 1st January TCP/IP-wide range network has brought up a “network of networks” which came up as a today’s modern internet.
This modern network work for a decade till 1990s but then did not get much appreciable publicity. So then in 1991, 6th August the European Organization for Nuclear Research, publish the new World Wide Web (www) project which was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
Advantage And Disadvantages of Internet:
The word internet has both positive and negative affect on our life. Through the internet we can get information of the situation going all around the world by staying in one place. So, the internet has many uses in our day-to-day life. It is a wonderful place to search for a project or for a piece of homework. Now days it has being used in schools and colleges for online classes. Students are using this to get information and knowledge for their study purposes in every subject. It is a great platform for student’s education for learning through their lifetime.
Internet makes people updated for every situation. People are using internet for online shopping, research and development, business promotion and innovations. We can communicate with people living in different places of world through mail, social networking system by using internet. People can send money to their nearest people those who are living in different places by using internet.

By this, we can book flight tickets (both National and International), train tickets from home by itself only. By the help of online banking we can transfer account from one branch to other. We can pay bills for different purpose through online mode. People can search for jobs for different companies in India or in abroad through online. Internet is a great platform for entertainment like plays online games, watching movies, listening new songs, pranks and comedies. Lastly by all these activities through online we can save our time and money both.
On the other side using of internet also have disadvantages on our life too. Most of the people are spending their time in using internet that leads to obesity in young generation in the society. Children’s are wasting their time in using internet for different things which may result dangerous sometimes because there are many unethical sites which may vulnerable for them. Sometimes mails and text messages may hacked by someone which will break our privacy issues. Through this online business, virtual shops and credit cards usage, advertising sites one can easily become a victim of money frauders. The viruses are transported via internet which can destroy our important data and information for lifetime. If by somehow someone may get our personal IDs or email addresses then it becomes easier to harass in net event through online messages and emails.

So by the end we can say that there are many advantages and disadvantages of using internet but advantages are high in numbers. Internet simply makes our life easier but also side by side it may bring disadvantages too.