Harvest Moon Games are there in the video games market for quite a long time now. The interest of the people in this game series is found to be increasing by leaps and bounds. This resulted in the huge success of the Harvest Moon Games. Each of the new games released in this series has its own unique features. This made the people stay interested towards playing them. The developers of this game are well aware of the market situations and the player’s interests as well. So, they are able to develop the games that can sustain in the big rush of similar games.

Video games are something that people all around the World likes to play irrespective of their ages. There are a lot of popular games that you can find in this category. Among those games, the Harvest Moon Games have a very good reputation. They are one of the top listed game series in the market right now. There are a lot of reasons behind the popularity of this game. Let us check about them in details. Along with that, we will also provide you with the information on the best Harvest Moon Games.
History of Harvest Moon Games
The love of the people for the video games is not something new. They are always the favorite of the people since the start of such games. The Harvest Moon Games also has a very long history. The game was first developed in 1996 by the Amccus. They developed this game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. From Japan to the other parts of the World, the game has developed within a very short period of time. After the success of the first game in this series, the developers of the game realized the pulse of the players and released different games in this series. Most of those games made the players really mad after them. Now we can find this game played all around the World by people of different age groups. The availability of the game in different languages helped a lot in its growth.
After its successful run in the gaming consoles, the Harvest Moon Games have marked its presence in the Personal Computers also. It is the Harvest Moon: Light of Hope which was released in November 2017 that was the first game available for the PCs. This marked a new phase of the Harvest Moon Games and increased the pace of its growth as well. Now in 2018, the Harvest Moon Games marks 20 years of excellent survival in the video game market. This is not an easy task for anyone and achieving this with great appreciation from the players makes it even more special. The addicted players of this game all around the World eagerly wait for the new releases of this game.
Harvest Moon Games: The Gameplay
The gameplay of the Harvest Moon Games plays a very important role in the success of this game. In this game, you will be asked to take the role of a young boy who is maintaining a farm in the absence of his father. The situation of the farm is very much pathetic and you should take care of it. You have to maintain the farm and restore it in such a way that it will look supremely good. The farm will be available with vegetables, chicken, cows etc. Each of them needs to have special care and different ways to grow. They have their own weaknesses as well. You should understand these weaknesses and make sure that you will be able to protect them properly. Any negligence on your part may result in serious issues to them.
The Harvest Moon Games gameplay is not something unique and extraordinary than the other video games. You can find a lot of other games that come with almost a similar gameplay. But what the Harvest Moon Games has done is made the gameplay more interesting and enjoyable to the players. This forced the players to select the Harvest Moon Games rather than any other similar games. The players of this game are found to be highly addicted to it. The role of the gameplay is very much important in this addiction.
Best Harvest Moon Games That You Should Try
As we said earlier, there are a lot of games that came in the Harvest Moon Games series. Each of these games has its own positive and negative parts. Some of those games proved to be the favorite for the people even after years of its release. If you are new to this game and what to know about the best ones among them, here is a list of top Harvest Moon Games. The games are selected depending on the various features included in it and also a lot of research. So, you can find each of the games given below will work much better than what you are expecting.
- Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA):
This is always counted as one of the best Harvest Moon Games that is a perfect choice for the newbies to this game series. It was released in 2003 which is the initial stage of development of this game. The Friends of Mineral Town is one of those games which has almost a similar gameplay that is existing even now in this game series. The compact design of this game made it easier for it to reach the hearts of the players all around the World. Compared to the previous versions of this game series, the Friends of Mineral Town is far ahead in its design and features as well. The main reason behind this is the hard work done by the designers to make it look better than the older versions. They knew that it will be difficult for them to survive unless some major changes are been done.

Still, there is one thing that the players are concerned about the Friends of Mineral Town game. It is the absence of the female players in the game. There are a lot of users who like to take the role of a female character. For them, this game is found to be really disappointing. To overcome this issue another version of the Harvest Moon Game is released with the name More Friends of Mineral Town game. You can even try this game if you want to play as a female character.
The gameplay of Harvest Moon Games stayed almost the same since the start of the game. It is at this situation the Harvest Moon: A New Beginning was announced on the 15th year of the release of the first game in this series. So, there was an expectation that this time the game will have some unexpected gameplay included in it. But as soon as the early previews of the game is released, it was made clear that there is no such change in the gameplay. Then why is this game in the series called A New Beginning? It is the extra features that included in the Harvest Moon: A New Beginning that made the developers give it such a name. You can also find a lot of new contents which were not available in the older versions of this game.

This game was released into the market in 2012. But still, it remained as one of the top Harvest Moon Games of all times. The extremely good design combined with the additional features that resulted in its success. The Harvest Moon Games are available to play since 1997. The basic gameplay of this game is something that has very much importance in its long run. So, it is not a good idea to change it to increase the selling of the games. People who are playing the Harvest Moon Games are playing it because they love to play the character of the farmer who works hard to make his farm better. If this basic concept is changed, then there are chances of people leaving this game and look for alternates. So, it is a good idea to stick to the basic gameplay and add additional features to the game.
Yet another pick for you if are a Harvest Moon Games lover. This version of the game has really taken the game to a new level where truth and fantasy merge at times. The addictive features of this game have brought it to the list of the best Harvest Moon Games released till date. Unlike the other farming games, the Harvest Moon Story of Seasons provides you with a lot of unique options. In this game, you have given the opportunity to sell the items grown on your farm to the traveling merchants. This, in turn, gives you chance to gain more profit and thus makes the game more enjoyable. This is a feature which is not available with the previous versions of the Harvest Moon Games.

The calendar included in the Harvest Moon Story of Seasons gives you a clear idea about the merchants who will be visiting your farm in during different times of the year. Each of those merchants has different requirements. So, making use of the calendar information you can make the product ready for him. This business part of the game is very much interesting for the players and gained a lot of appreciation from them as well. This is even considered as one of the strongest parts of the Harvest Moon Story of Seasons game. It is also something that differentiates it from the previous versions of the Harvest Moon Games. So, we recommend you have a try on this game and you can find it attractive for sure.
- Harvest Moon DS: Grand Bazaar
One of the most important changes in the Harvest Moon Gameplay is observed in this series of the game. Compared to the previous version where players are allowed to sell their products only to merchants, here they have an additional option for this. In this game, you can find a weekly market where the players can sell whatever they have grown on their farms. This is considered as one of the tremendous makeovers that has happened to the Harvest Moon Games till the time this game was released on 2008. Even after that there are some remarkable modifications happened in the basic gameplay, this one still remains favorite for a lot of people.

As I said earlier, the gameplay of the Harvest Moon Games is the main reason for the game to remain in the market as a strong contender for a long time. So, any changes in this gameplay should be carried out with a lot of care. Otherwise, it may result in a complete breakdown of all the success they have gained until that time. So, the developers of the Harvest Moon Games try only a little to change their gameplay. But they have shown the courage to do it in the Harvest Moon DS: Grand Bazar. It is accepted by the players with both hands and hence resulted in such changes in the later versions of the game also.
- Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
The Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is that version of the game where you are asked to balance your life on the farm and your social life. This is a game that gives the message to live a happy life rather than becoming greedy or fighting with others for anything. This version of the Harvest Moon Game is for those people who like to become a farmer in real life as well. But unfortunately, if you are not able to do it in your life, play this game. It can bring a lot of emotions and feelings in your mind which otherwise can be enjoyed only by a real-life farmer.

This game in the Harvest Moon Games has given a lot of importance to the social life of the character. In the Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life you are not only required to take care of your farm in the right way but also make yourself happy in other activities as well. For example, you will get some spare time in this game where you can do something other than your routine farm works. If you are interested in fishing, you can spend some time in that. Otherwise, if you want to help others, you will get an opportunity for this as well. So, in short, it can be said that The Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is a game that is a mini display of how a human life should be. That is it what makes this game one of my personal favorites in this game series.
- Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
This is also my personal favorite in the Harvest Moon series of games. As per the user reviews also it is found to be the best-in-class game for the Harvest Moon lovers. Apart from your farming interest, you will be also given an opportunity of marriage in this game. You can select from the 5 young ladies available in your town and get married to them depending on your performance in the game. To win the heart of the girl of your choice, you should gift her items that she likes the most. This results in making your farming skills improved a lot as you are not only working to rebuild your farm but also to win the love of a beautiful girl.

After the marriage, the character will also get a chance to become a father, within the next two seasons. The child will keep on growing until he was able to walk. Then you can find that he stops growing because that is how they designed the game. This is one of the oldest games in the Harvest Moon Game series and was released in 1999. Now it is available on the market for almost 20 years. This single thing gives you an idea of how effective this game is in attracting the player’s interests.
- Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility
This game was released in 2008 and is a good addition to the list of the Harvest Moon Game series. All the experience of the Harvest Moon Game developers for the previous 10 years has been made use of in this version of the game. There is nothing extraordinary with this game compared to the previous ones. But the design of the game is good enough to get it enter the list of the top Harvest Moon Games. In the Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, you can play the role of either a male or a female character.

The story of this game is also different than the older versions. Here we can see the new story where the players are required to take the role of a boy/girl who has survived a storm in the sea. He / She will then end up in a mysterious town and the game is all about their effort to survive in that town. We recommend the Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility game especially to those people who are new to this game series. They can find this game attractive and interesting as well. For a professional player who has been there for long, playing with the Harvest Moon, they can better try the other games listed above rather than this one.
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope for PC
You can find some other Harvest Moon Games better than this one and is not included in this list. Then why should I add the Light of Hope to my list? Don’t be wonder about this. I have added this to this list because it is the first Harvest Moon Games available for the personal computers. This game was released in the 20th anniversary year of this stunning game series. So, the developers of the game want to make this an all-time memorable one. In this effort, they have added some of the latest features to this game and also made it available for the PCs. The PC users have accepted this gift with both hands and a huge number of people are seen to be trying this game on their computers. This has given a good level of confidence to the developers of the Harvest Moon to work even better.
Final Words:
Farming games are now one of the most played games in the smartphones, computers and other handheld gaming consoles. The situation is something different when the Harvest Moon was first released into the market. Now it is being there for more than two decades with a lot of successful versions released in between. It is quite understandable that anything to sustain for a long time requires something extremely good in them. So, the Harvest Moon Games are for sure able to make its players satisfied with its performance. The competition also became so tough that there are even free versions of the farming games available for your different devices. But still, the likes for the Harvest Moon Games stays as it was long back.
Started as a game designed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System it is now available for use in different devices. Even the PC versions of this game have become a super hit. A lot of people are found to be getting addicted to the Harvest Moon Games and eagerly waits for its new releases. All these prove that the money spent on the Harvest Moon Games is really worth. But among the numerous games released in this series, finding the best ones will be a really tough task. In our effort to make this task easier for you, we have published the list of best Harvest Moon Games for you. Even if you are a newbie you can enjoy each of them. So, let’s start your journey with the Harvest Moon Games. Hope you will have a very good time.