Acne is a common skin issue in the whole world, which affects about 85% of people around the world. Its treatment is costly but has many side effects like dryness redness and irritation. So let us know what is Acne and how it affects our skin.

What is Acne?
Acne is a skin issue that occurs when our hair’s follicle became plugged with oil, dust, and dead skin cells. It often creates whiteheads or pimples on the face, forehead, and shoulder. It is common in all teenagers and affects people of all ages.
Symptoms of Acne
1. Whitehead with closed plugged pores.
2. Blackhead with open plugged pores.
3. Pimples with pus at the top.
4. Solid large lumps under the surface of the skin.

1. Excess of oil production on the face.
2. Presence of bacteria.
3. Excess presence of a type of hormone.

Home Remedy For Acne
As the treatment is expensive and also has many side effects, people can also try some basic Home remedies and can try from home.
Apply apple cider vinegar.
How to use it?
1. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 3 parts water (use more water for sensitive
2. After cleansing, gently apply the mixture to the skin using a cotton ball.
3. Let sit for 5–20 seconds, rinse with water and pat dry.
4. Repeat this process 1–2 times per day, as needed.
5. Make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask.
How to make Cinnamon Mask?
1. Mix 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon together to form a paste.
2. After cleansing, apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 10–15 minutes.
3. Rinse the mask off completely and pat your face dry.

Spot Treat With Tea Tree Oil.
Tea tree oils are extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia which is located in Australia. It can fight bacteria and reduce skin inflammation.
Tea tree oils are also famous for treating Acne. It creates an acidic environment to prevent the growth of bacteria and also reduces pimples.
How to use it?
1. Mix 1 part tea tree oil with 9 parts of water.
2. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply it to the affected areas.
3. Apply moisturizer if desired.
4. Repeat this process 1–2 times per day, as needed.

Use Honey and Cinnamon Mask.
Honey and Cinnamon can fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Honey is a type of solution that is made of sugar and this sugar contains protein, amino acid, and vitamins.
Cinnamon is rich with antioxidants that deal with scars, spots and also heal the skin. Cinnamon also contains compounds that promote the circulation of blood towards our skin.
How to prepare and apply.
1: Take a small container, add two spoons of honey and one spoon of cinnamon powder.
2: Mix the ingredients properly.
3: Apply the mixture to your face properly.
4: Leave it on your face for 20 to 30 minutes and make it dry.
5: Remove the mask and pat your face with a dry soft cloth

Apply Green Tea to Your Skin.
Green tea is rich with antioxidants that deal with scars, spots, and also heal the skin and also fight with bacteria and reduce inflammation, which are the main causes of acne.
How to prepare and apply.
1: Take 4 teaspoons of green tea on a boiling vessel.
2: Boil the green tea for 5 to 6 minutes.
3: Allow it to cool down completely.
4: Use a cotton ball or a soft cloth and apply the tea on your face.
5: Allow the tea to get dry on the face.
6: Wash the face with water and pat to dry.
We can use the rest of the tea leaves with honey and can use it as a facemask.

Apply Witch Hazel.
Witch Hazel is extracted from leaves of a plant found in North America. It contains tannin which is rich with anti-bacterial properties.
It is specially used for burns, bruises, insect bites, and acne. It can be applied to the skin directly which helps shrink the pores of our skin.
How to prepare and apply
1: Take one teaspoon of Witch Hazel and a cup of water
2: Soak the Witch Hazel for 15 to 20 minutes
3: After soaking boil it on a low flame for 10 to 15 munites.
4: Once it’s cooled down then apply Witch Hazel with small cotton ball 2 times a day.

Moisturize With Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a popular herbal medicine which is been used for skin purpose for thousands of years. It is a thick short-stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves. It is used for treating skin injuries as has several uses for health benefits. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties which are very important for our also increases the healing power of our skin.
How to prepare and apply.
1: It can be applied directly or can be applied as a lotion
2: Aloe vera gel is also available in a local shop that is ready to use.
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