
Hidden side effects of cosmetic use over skin

cosmetics to avoid skin irritation

Cosmetic is something that people use to camouflage their appearance to enhance their beauty. They do not want to show their natural look as they feel insecure about it, so instead they choose to use heavy cosmetics over their skin. People don’t realize how slowly it harms the skin as we age, and also the manufacturer uses many chemicals to make cosmetics, but still people tend to use it just to hide their reality. Also, as many of the actors advertise on that particular product, then there will be a following trend to use that product. 

Before using any product it is very necessary to know the chemicals/ingredients present in the cosmetics and do a patch test before using as it is risky and harmful, especially for those who have sensitivity and redness on their skin.

However, people do not think twice before purchasing cosmetics, they just think that they will look good in any way after applying them. They are not aware of how it harms our health, and it may lead to cancer too. Also, the product seller knows that different kinds of cosmetics are used in different parts of the body and for different seasons, so they make a profit, and the customers just purchase it without any idea/information. Later on, all the chemicals can irritate the skin and trigger breakouts like acne and premature aging. Though some cosmetics contain some quantity of chemicals some have higher quantities, so keeping in mind we have to be more curious about our skin to keep healthy and tidy and should stay away from all these toxic chemicals before they harm our skin. If anyone suffers from any kind of skin issues or else they can go to experts to check up on their skin rather than applying toxicity on their skin.

Furthermore, variations of cosmetics shouldn’t be used at a time when people complain about rashes and burning sensations on the skin, but they do not realize what makes their skin look bad. Likewise, we have different kinds of cosmetics for our lips, eyes, cheeks, chins, etc.

Today I am going to share some hidden side effects that affect our skin slowly..

Hidden Skin Side Effects:

  • Irritation of the Skin: Many chemicals/ingredients and fragrances may irritate our skin damage the skin barrier lower our skin moisture and produce redness, ringworm, and flaky dryness.
  • Hyperpigmentation on our Skin: It occurs due to some cosmetics that have lightning substances or chemicals and also when the skin keeps producing melanin (it’s the pigment that gives our skin color) it can cause uneven skin tone and darker spots.
  • Prematurely Ageing Before Our Age Turns: Excessive use of many products at a time, mostly those harmful chemicals that damage our natural skin barrier, can cause wrinkles, premature aging, and make our skin look dull.
  • Allergic Reactions on our Skin: Not everyone is suitable with every ingredient that is found in cosmetics, some people may feel that their skin has allergies to some of the ingredients that are found in the cosmetics and it can cause rashes, itchiness, dermatitis, and swelling.
  • Acne, Eczema, and Breakouts: Overuse of toxic cosmetics may lead to clogged pores, acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and skin inflammation which is more common to cause infections on our skin.
  • Endocrine Disruption: As we know our skin is the largest part of the organ in our body and it keeps in contact with some chemicals to protect our skin from infections whether it is naturally or scientifically, so certain cosmetic chemicals/ingredients may cause hormonal disturbances, it harms negatively to the health of humans. 

Some toxic chemicals that are present in cosmetics include:

Parabens: These are mostly used as a cosmetic preservative to make the skin look fresh and it is found in many products. It leads to hormonal imbalances and eventually causes breast cancer.

Phthalates: These are the chemicals that are used in cosmetics for the flexibility of the products and for a longer period for the fragrances to stay. It is mainly found in sprays and lotions and it produces toxins.

Talcum Powder: It is mainly made from Talc a soft mineral that occurs naturally and contains elements namely magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. As it is a powder, so it is used to absorb moisture well and reduce friction and is mainly found in eyeshadows, blush, baby powders, and face powders. And if we use talc directly it may cause Ovarian Cancer.

Formaldehyde: It is gas and colorless and also used in cosmetics as a preservative it develops toxicity like asthma and if by chance we inhale this it can cause dizziness and suffocation overall it disturbs our respiratory system.


It can cause skin rashes, allergies, irritation, and more severe skin problems. And those products that have stronger scents can cause headaches and nausea and lead to respiratory disturbances.


It is the ingredient used in many cosmetics to give them a creamy texture but it has many side effects on the human body like it can cause eye damage and skin irritation, mostly to those people who have sensitive skin. 

So, taking everything into account as a buyer/consumer we should be very aware of the things that we purchase or what we apply to the skin without proper clarification. The cosmetics that we use every day to look good are not comparable with our natural look/beauty, we all are beautiful the way we are. 

We should not listen to or follow whatever others say about our features or our looks instead we need to follow our own to be in a healthy position, it doesn’t matter to being judged by people we all are proud of our natural skin, we are not born to impress others by those heavy toxic chemical products or to make a profit to those producers who dumb us by this toxicity that harms us. But if we want to apply it then we should know which one is beneficial or suits our skin. 

These are the following important side effects that you know before using any kind of unknown products. Hope this article helped you with the information you needed.

Tags : cosmetics

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