
Is sparkling water good or bad for your health?

carbonated or sparkling water

Sparkling water is a water which has been carbonated and it is a combination of Carbon dioxide gas into water, which forms a bubble and fizz. Coke and Pepsi, everybody is familiar with this name, right? Well, this is one of the most popular beverages, and it has a choice whether you want a flavored or a plain bubbly drink.

Sparkling water has both some good and bad effects on health. Since, it cannot be called as exact healthy beverage, but it can boost and can be added to your meal. Drinking sparkling water can also increase your productivity.

Before knowing whether it harms our health or not, firstly let us know what exactly sparkling water contains and what a registered dietitian specialized Kirsten Jackson, RDN says about sparkling water is that- Not every product of sparkling water is made equally and if you want to add sparkling water in your daily diet then you need to check the ingredients before consuming it. Some of the brands add artificial sweetness into sparkling water, which you should avoid drinking because that might cause diarrhea for some and some might face irritation in the stomach and feel bloating.

If you’re drinking simple plain water every day and thinking of jumping on to sparkling water then you should give it a try, as it will help you burp too and burping doesn’t hurt our body. Those who constantly feel hungry should drink sparkling water, as it can fill up their stomach gap and keep them free from all sorts of gastric and for those who are concerned about their skin; it cleanses very well drinking sparkling water. Today in this article I am going to share with you in details regarding both effects.

Is sparkling water healthy?

Generally, Sparkling water is safe, according to specialized dietary and it doesn’t harm in any case and it has few potential benefits for health. Before knowing how it affects positively our health let us know some of the different kinds of sparkling water:

i) Natural Sparkling water: This can also be known as natural soda water, which is naturally extracted from the underground aquifer or from a natural source such as a spring or well.

ii) Artificial Sparkling water: This is artificial soda water mixed up with carbon dioxide gas, which forms carbonated water. It is a simple sizzle of water with no added flavors or sweeteners into it.

iii) Tonic Water: Tonic is a type of water that contains added flavors such as citrus and minerals such as quinine. To improve Tonic water’s taste, sometimes brands add different kinds of sweeteners and artificial flavors to enhance more.

iv) Flavored Sparkling water: Flavored sparkling water contains different flavors such as different natural and artificial fruit juices and essences.

Sparkling water has quite a bunch of benefits, to avoiding dehydration and staying hydrated; sparkling water can help your basic problems such as headaches, and dry mouth and keep you hydrated for a long. It can also help you manage your weight, by replacing the soda water instead of artificial drinks which contain flavored sugary drinks. It can also help you cure motion sickness and nausea while traveling. People struggling with Diabetes can be helpful for them, as it can help cut down their sugary drinks and for people who are suffering from indigestion, it is one of the best drinks to help them with their indigestion and constipation.

Can Sparkling Water affect your health?

Knowing that every individual is different, sparkling water wouldn’t affect everyone, but Sometimes the fizziness of sparkling might weaken your tooth enamel, as it contains a form of acidity.

Excessive consumption of sparkling water may also may lead to discomfort of stomach and let you feel bloated due to accumulation of the carbon dioxide in your digestive system. You can also face stomach upset, if you have a sensitive stomach. Also if you are under medications, sparkling water may interfere with the medicines you were consuming.

Lastly, I would say that, only few individuals out of many may face problems consuming sparkling water, otherwise it is one of the best drink beverages ever. But you shouldn’t rely only to sparkling water for every stomach issue you face. So stay healthy stay happy..

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