
If you are into rifle owning then you would know about the types of rifles you can own and that are available. Meanwhile, there is a lot of hype among the rifle owners about owning a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is the game changer in any field it is target shooting, hunting, or any other thing. Snipers can do many things and the other rifles can’t like shooting from a long range in the perfect target. But there are also lots of terms that you need to go through before owning or trying to own a sniper rifle for yourself. Well, there are lots of sniper rifles available in the market that you can get your hands on.

So here in this article, you are going to learn about the best sniper in the world which you can keep your hands on and take the most amazing experience of sniper rifles. With a good sniper rifle, you also need to come with amazing long-range scopes, so that you can have fun shooting targets from a distance. Here below we have listed down some of the amazing rifles you can have.

Best sniper rifles of all time:

1. Barette M95:

Barette is a US-based firearm company that is mainly known for producing sniper rifles for the world. Barette M95 is a manual bolt-action anti-material sniper rifle and is the improved version of the Barette M90 and is very comfortable to use. This rifle was first made for the US Army, the rifle was also purchased for testing but was not passed in some tests. But the rifle is popular across the world for many different factors, The rifle is powered by a powerful .50 BMG cartridge with a long barrel of 736 mm.

The rifle comes with a thumb-lever safety for locking the trigger knob when you are not shooting to prevent unusual accidents. Also, the rifle is easy to maintain, as the rifle can be disassembled and assembled in just a matter of minutes. Well, this rifle is not mainly used to kill the target with a single shot, but it is mainly used for destroying sensitive equipment of the enemy like trucks, radar equipment, aircraft, and much more. Yes, the rifle was designed to be used for long-range personnel rifles, but it is quite good at damaging material in long-range.

2. AWM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum):

If you are into digital shooting games then you might be familiar with the name AWM. In most of the popular shooting games like Counter-Strike and PUBG, you will find a sniping gun called AWM. Well, AWM is a British Sniper rifle that was developed or made in 1997. This rifle is also very popular among all the UK army. The rifle weighs some 6 kilos hard and is built with stainless steel with a 26″ long barrel. Even though the rifle weighs some 6 KG, it is said that it is comfortable to carry on your back when needed. AWM comes with a 5-round shot magazine just like the Karabiner 98K.

Just like the name of the rifle suggests, it uses .338 Magnum bullets and is very powerful. The best part is that this rifle is very good for long-distance personnel shots, so you can aim a being from 1700 meters away. So if you are looking for a perfect sniper rifle, then this is one of the best sniper rifles you can go for. Proofing the above statement, the rifle has killed two rangers with a single bullet from a range of 2475 meters, which is one of the longest sniper kills that has ever been made.

3. M24:

This is another US Army sniper rifle and has lots of features packed into it. The M24 was first developed in 1980 and is a primary sniper rifle of the US government army. The rifle is not sold to the public for some reason, but many manufacturers can give you a rifle that comes with nearly the specifications of an M24 sniper rifle. The rifle uses stainless steel in both the barrel and some parts of the body to make the rifle better in build quality. The best part of this rifle is that you can also use the bullets of the machine gun in the sniper rifle, but the only thing is that there is very high recoil so it is avoided maximum time. 

When it comes to the build of this famous US army rifle, it comes with a PST-024 stock and a cheek pack which is fixed, but you are going to have an adjustable Length Of Pull (LOP) which you can adjust according to you. Even though the cheek pad in this rifle comes fixed from the manufacturer, you can extend the butt-plate up to 2 inches. This rifle is not only popular in the US army, but you will also see this rifle in the force from Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Brazil, Japan, Lebanon, and much more.   

4. AW50 (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare 50):

The AW50 is from the same rifle manufacturer which has to built the most popular sniper rifle AWM. This sniper rifle is also very popular among the UK armed forces. AW50 is an anti-material bolt-action sniper rifle that uses a .50 caliber to shoot. The rifle is tough and very ruggedly built so that it matches with the strong soldiers of the country, which results in weighing the gun up to 13.5 Kg with all the equipment added except for scope and the blank magazine. So the rifle is pretty heavy when you compare it with the other sniper rifles mentioned in the lists above. But this rifle has made its place in the top sniper rifles of the world, as it has the power to penetrate big objects like boats, cars, and much more.

The AW50 has an effective range of 1500 meters which means, you can easily shoot anything within 1500 m. But when it comes to the distance far than the mentioned distance then you may need to calculate the bullet drop. Well, this sniper is mainly used to damage enemy vehicles, boats, aircraft, etc. as it can tear those big objects and enter inside. 


So these are all about the best snipers that you can find and own, some of them are not available for the public personnel but as mentioned you can get the almost specs rifle from the other manufacturer. The above-listed rifle uses a different range of bullets, so there is no comparison using the bullets or range. So it totally depends upon you for what reason you are going for a sniper rifle. Snipers like AWM, AW50, and M24 can even damage enemy vehicles and other things hitting at a certain point, as the bullets are super powerful. Comment your thoughts below regarding the best snipers in the world and which you have liked as per their features and want to try out. 

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