Deer hunting can be a great sports option or a seasonal hobby that you would pursue in your free time. Hunting can be really exhilarating when it comes to deer hunting unlike other seasonal hunting or simply because you love to go for deer hunting. But with hunting comes the requirement to have experience or basic idea on how to hunt. So, if you want some tips about deer hunting then here in this article you will find a whole lot of tips. We will talk about all time deer hunting tips and tricks that will help you to better hunt for deer.

All-Time Favourite Deer Hunting Tips & Tricks:
- Taking it slow and steady: Well this isn’t something new that you need to know about right? You will need to have a lot of patience and have to stay put in one place while waiting for your hunt. And we are not talking about 5 minutes; you will need to have a lot of patience to get a successful hunt.
- Zero Noise: You will need to keep patience and along with that you will also need to reduce any noise making. Be it your cell phone or yourself, you will need to take care that you are not sitting somewhere dry on the leaf or step on branches that might make noise. Also take care that if you have made some noise and there is a deer nearby, don’t jump on it as it can see you clearly and will make a run for it. You will need to avoid any further noise and minimize your movement even further if the deer is looking in your direction.
- Masking your smell: Smell can be one of the biggest things that give off your presence. Before you go hunting I suggest you take bath with warm water to wash off any odor. Note that you don’t use any soap or fragrance based thing before going for hunting. This also includes, deo, body spray or clothes that you wear regularly. I suggest that you use cloths that are suitable for hunting purpose only and one great tip that I would suggest is that you rub dirt on your cloth (on the top not inside) on areas where you sweat to mask the smell too.
- Solo & Squad: If you are going solo you will need to be a little less conscious as you are just one single person and you can get to a hiding spot easily. Take a drive through the area and then simply walk your way around until you find a suitable place to hide and wait for your hunt. And if you are hunting in the group then you have an advantage of talking to let others know about the position of the deer that you want to hunt. This can be really helpful as the der can wait for the hunter to make any noise or thing that would give off their position and it would simply run off in the other direction.
- Taking note of the Wind Flow: When it comes to giving off your smell to the deer, the wind plays a very vital role. You will need to first take note of where the wind is flowing. Take some dry leaves and crush them and make note of the Wind flow. If the wind is coming from your back you will need to camp in front of the deer position so that it wouldn’t get your smell. You will need to plan your place and the place where the deer move frequently so that the wind would carry your smell out of the deer’s direction.
- Land Marking: Well, if you are going solo you will need to landmark your position as you will need to move around waiting for the deer to pass by. So to that, you will need to select a large tree, the suns position or any other distant object that will let you decide where you are moving from a Position a to Position B.
- Using Binoculars and aiming: You don’t want to start using the binoculars when you see the deer rather start using it to find the deer and watch if it is alone or in a group. Beware of its position and its movement as well. This plays a very vital role as the deer would be alert even with the slightest noise.
- Tracking the animal: If you saw the deer and now you are watching it move, start keeping track of what it is doing. If the deer is simply walking and looking around then it is suspicious of a danger nearby. And if you see that the deer is walking around taking bites of grass from here and there, you are a doing great as a hunter as the deer has no idea about you.
- Taking the shoot: Well, if you find that the deer isn’t noticing your presence then you are ready to shoot. Keep an eye out for where the hunt may run off to. Clocking on your gun wouldn’t be a great thing at a time so if you are careful enough I would suggest that you load it hands forth. Also, if you are clocking the gun then be careful not to make a sound.
- After Shooting: Hit the bulls eye and you are good to go. But don’t be excited now as your hunt may still run away. Any animal may fall down right after getting shot due to shock and after a few seconds, it will definitely run away. So if your hunt fall right after getting shot, shoot it twice. And if your hunt gets to shoot and runs away keep an eye where the deer will fall off and pass away.
And there you have it, these were the all-time favorite deer hunting tips and tricks you can try. With these tips and tricks, you will definitely get your hunt down for your dinner or special event. Hope after reading this article you have gained a piece of better knowledge about tricks and tips to follow while hunting deer in forest. If you like this content then don’t forget to share the same with your family and friends. Thanks