It is easier to write something you are passionate about as long as you are not looking for
profit. But, when it comes to business, you could be stuck between passion
and profit.
Possibilities are that, you know what you like to blog about but there’s less profit in it –
or you see a huge profit in some topic but you don’t have a major interest or knowledge
on it.
Choosing the most suitable niche for yourself lies somewhere between the two
mentioned factors – passion and profit.
I’m here to help. We will discuss the factors to consider while choosing the best blog
niche. Before we do, you need to know a blog niche and understand the
importance of selecting a certain one.

What is a Blog Niche?
In simple terms, a niche is the topic of discussion that your blog will rotate around. This
topic can be about technology, health, gaming, entertainment, sports, news, food, and
Whatever you talk about or sell through your business be, it offline or online – is your
You can have a multi-niche or a single niche – both have their benefits. However,
sticking with a single niche or category is best; especially when you work alone.
Why Choosing a Niche for Writing is Important?
You must choose a niche of your interest, hobbies, or the things that you
love to do. Your passion matters, and so do the profit possibilities.
What could be better than making money out of your passion – considering writing is
among your best interests.
It is also important to know your target audience and how you can reach them. And this
is why a single niche is always suggested if it’s a startup business, a personal blog,
YouTube channel, or an affiliate website.
The issue here – choosing a niche is not easy at all.
What makes choosing a niche so difficult?
As easy as it may sound, choosing a niche can be quite a hassle. If your niche selection is
too broad then it won’t be called a niche any longer. Rather it will be a multi-tier
business which can only be done through experience.
You have to be very specific while choosing a niche so you can target a specific group of
people. Just like a start-up business, you can’t target a large audience as you are new
to this topic.
Even if you choose a topic that you are interested in, it can be hard to have the patience
to talk about it over and over again. So you must know what you are talking
about and what your audience demands.
Let me share a few important points that you can note down while choosing a niche for
How to Pick Your Niche – Easy Ways to Select a Blog Niche
Choosing What Makes You Move- As a new blogger, your Niche should always be what
interests you. Because at the end of the day, it is what you do for yourself. You don’t
want to choose a niche that you are unfamiliar with and doesn’t fuel your desire.
Choose a niche from your interest, first, write it down on a piece of paper and
diversify the topic as much as you can. Talking about a single niche over again
isn’t a piece of cake.
Just like a business isn’t something you can just start, it will require your utmost
patience as well.
When you run out of ideas or creativity, it is when a business fails. So it is important to
choose a topic that interests you and stick to it.
To find your best interests ask yourself the following questions:
- What do I love to do when I am free and bored?
- If you are not that specific thing then what is the next step?
- What type of articles, blogs, books, news, and more do you keep yourself updated with?
- What topics do you discuss mostly when you are out with friends?
- Any club or organization that interests you?
- What topics do you keep yourself updated with?
- What are the topics of debate interest you the most in a group?
While you try finding the answer to these questions, keep in mind the factors I am
sharing here –
# Narrow Down Your Interest
Asking yourself the above questions will help you find various niche that interests you.
Further, you will need to narrow down these topics of interest.
While doing so, you will need to keep in mind the tropics can you explain in detail? It
will help your target customers will have the best solutions.
Now that you are narrowing down the niche, you will need to look at what point of
questions do the customer have about that specific niche?
To do so, follow these steps –
Step 1: Pursue the Main Points
You will need to understand which topics your customers are confused with. This can be
done through visiting forums like Quora and searching for your niche-related topics
Finding the points that haven’t been covered yet in your niche will help you grab more
visitors in the beginning.
Step 2: Research for Keywords
Keyword research is a vital aspect of being a blogger. The aim here is to know what type of
keywords you have to focus on. Focusing on keywords hands-forth will help you
understand your customer’s demand.
It’s not that you don’t have to cover topics that are posted on other blogs. You can’t
leave any stone unturned.
As a blogger, your site should have all kinds of articles related to your niche. This is only
possible through proper keyword research.
# Study Your Competitors
Competitor study is another aspect that you need to do before setting up your business.
Having competition isn’t a bad thing at all.
Having competition in a specific niche means the niche will have more money-making
opportunity. It is better to find a niche with less or no competition.
However, whether your niche has more or less competitors, you will need to do the
following research.
Cover What Haven’t Been Covered:
Find keywords that haven’t been covered yet by your competitors. These are easier to
rank and if your niche has many of these tropics then you can go for that specific niche
In this case, target the long tail keywords with low search volume. Such keywords come
with lower competition. Thus, easy to rank.
They may get you fewer visitors compared to the highly searched short keywords. End of
the day, they will pay off.
Poor Quality Content:
If your competitors have talked about specific keywords which isn’t clear to the audience
or are of low quality, you can target such keywords.
Always try to give something more than what your competitors did. It will help outrank
Creating Authentic Content:
Targeting primary keywords with high search volume and low competition should be
your prime concern.
Also, find keywords with less paid advertising. This will be helpful in case of ranking as
this will be a great place to start your blog and profitability.
Select Niche with More Profitability:
By now, you should have already chosen 1 or 2 niches that you might think you can work
on. But as you are thinking about making money through your blog you will also need to
consider the profit that you can earn through each niche.
So, whatever niche you have chosen to research, find more versatile ways like
products, ads, and links that you can sell as well in your blog.
It is important to have a diverse range for your niche for making money as without that
you will have less profit output.
Testing Out the Niche:
Now with everything ready, you can create a landing page if you are dealing with product
promotional products. Or if you are dealing with blog posts then you will need to set up a
The first sale or exposure of your blog may not result in the way you planned. You can get
paid advertising if you need instant results.
But if stuff doesn’t work, you will just need to reconsider what have you done wrong or
how you can get more exposure. If exposure isn’t the problem then there must be
something wrong with your content.
Once, you are done researching your niche and confident in picking one, it’s time for
keyword research in bulk.
Summing Up
A blog Niche is nothing but the topic that you want to talk or write about. While it can be much more fun to write about your interest, you must pen down something that a larger audience is interested in reading. Especially when your blog is intended to generate revenue through Adsense or from any other source, picking a niche can be tricky. I hope this blog post about how to pick the best niche to blog will help you in the long run.